Monday, August 30, 2010

It rained today!

I was surprised to hear the rain this morning, even more surprised that I had to find my umbrella.  I did find it, covered in dog hair, stuffed into the door cubby in my car. 

Let's face it, for all intents and purposes, summer is over.  September 1st rings in Fall and my most favorite season of the year.  I can nearly feel the crispness in the air and smell the faint tinge of wood smoke. 

I've been thinking about Christmas photos and how there is a gas fireplace at the studio.  I'm thinking that the fireplace will make for a really awesome backdrop for Christmas if I can just persuade the boys to clear their calenders for me so we can get them done early instead of waiting until the week before Christmas.

Big heavy sigh, the weatherman is calling for more summer like weather....

more soon!
