Tuesday, August 17, 2010

T photo is posted

I apologize for the delay in posting something new.  I have just posted T and it turns out that this is probably my favorite photo.  It reminds me of a gallery print so I am anxious to see what it looks like matted and framed. 

My ankle is healing.  It's a slow process, according to my Dr. and physical therapist it could take a year or two before I am "normal" again.  The bone itself has healed nicely.  I am working on the tendons, ligaments and muscles now, trying to increase flexibility and strength.  I find that when I get tired I start to limp.  Apparently it is a safe habit that I have fallen into.  My therapist says that I need to stop, it throws everything out of balance and as a result my back, shoulders and opposite knee will hurt in addition to the ankle.  Boy I wish I was 29 again, when healing and rehabbing was easy!

I have started shooting again.  I have several photo shoots scheduled in the next few weeks and I am anxious to start shooting in the new studio.  Hopefully I will have more for you soon.  I'm percolating on the letter U.  I have V already but won't post until I have U.  I'll have to think up another challenge once I've gone through the alphabet.  Any ideas?  If so, send me a comment or an email, this way I'll know if anyone really reads this!  I am anxious to be shooting again! 

More soon!
