Saturday, February 6, 2010

My New Website is up and running!

TA DA! It’s finally here, my new website! It took some time but I was finally able to narrow down what it was that I was looking for in a website.

My first criteria was that I have a site that was free of pop ups and those annoying “Viagra” and “” adds. Second, I wanted to have an integrated shopping cart feature that allows my clients the option of being able to purchase prints directly from a well known, reputable photo processing lab. This part is currently still under construction. Thirdly, the site had to be easy to update, free from annoying music and easy to navigate. And finally, it had to showcase my photos in a way that made me proud to have been the photographer who took them! Thank you Smug Mug for meeting all of my needs!!

Please be patient with me, this site will be “under construction” for a bit while I become familiar with how everything works and decide how I want it all to look.

Thank you to friends and family who may not necessarily understand me when I start speaking “photo geek” but still appreciate me anyway. Your patience and understanding have been invaluable during this process. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, all!