Tuesday, March 9, 2010

New A thru Z Gallery

Believe it or not, but photographers can suffer from “photographers block” like writers suffer from “writers block”. I usually have a pretty severe case this time of year when the weather isn’t conducive to an outdoor shoot, flowers aren’t quite budded out and my people subjects are conveniently unavailable.

I began using a card system a year or two ago to help me get through these blocks. The cards are 200 or so 3 x 5 cards with various themes written on the front and ideas scribbled on the back. The ideas were meant to stimulate me to get out and shoot and to shoot something that I normally wouldn’t have thought to consider as a “worthy” subject. It works, normally. But lately my “shooting doldrums” have been pretty severe.

So I had a brainstorming session where I tried to come up with ways to un-fog my creative eye. I was kicking around the idea of an alphabet shoot, similar to other photographers who make a point to take a picture, usually a self portrait, every day for a year. In my version, I will shoot a subject that corresponds to a letter in the alphabet until I shoot from A all the way to Z.

That’s when my phone rang. My sis always seems to know when I need a boost and since it had been a while since I visited with her last, I welcomed the distraction. As fate would have it, she was brainstorming ways to help me promote my photography too! She offered some really cool ideas that you may hear about soon.

As a result, I am adding a new gallery to my website, A thru Z. Here I will post all of my resulting photos. For kicks and grins I am also adding a photo ranking feature to this gallery. This is where YOU get to rank my photos with a thumbs up or a thumbs down. I thought that this would be fun way to keep you coming back to my site to check for updates!! Thanks for the idea, Terrie! And in your honor, my contribution for the letter A is one of your favorites, Abandoned, Lost and Forgotten.

So be sure to check out my new A thru Z gallery!
