Saturday, May 1, 2010

Good News/Bad News

First, the bad news. If you were hoping to shoot with me at my current studio location you are quickly running out of time because the good news is that we have outgrown our current location! In June we will be relocating our studio to the original Chase family house in the Chase Village area near Autzen Stadium.

While we will be losing our industrial feel and the infamous ghetto wall, we will be gaining hard wood floors, curved staircases, manicured lawns and a more family friendly atmosphere. Keep watching here for updates. As I know more, I will let you know.

More good news, I have updated the A thru Z gallery up through the letter P. This has really been a good exercise for me, more challenging than I expected. I am stuck on Q and hopefully a wave of inspiration will wash over me again soon!

Happy May day! I am so excited that it is May. To me, the unofficial start to summer begins now! Now, I am off to shoot some more, stay tuned!