Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New Posts to A - Z Gallery

I am finding that when I am working on my A to Z shots that I am limited either by geography, time or imagination. This has been a wonderful challenge for me and I am really enjoying myself trying to come up with shots to post! Thank you to everyone for your feedback and input! I have now posted for Q, R & S.

Sally, I loved your idea for Q, unfortunately, our favorite lake is probably still snowed in for another month or two so I had to revert to plan B. Thank you for the suggestion, though. It really was wonderful to hear from you.

I don't have any news on the new studio yet, but I should have something for you soon. In the meantime, I am trying to shoot as much as possible. I have tons of ideas for portrait shoots if anyone is willing to be a model for me (hint, hint).

More soon!
