Friday, June 25, 2010

Recovery Update

I have been foul tempered and growly lately, mostly due to my discomfort. There have been a lot of tears, a lot of anger and frustration while I try to work back into something that resembles what "normal" used to be.

I have finally been able to venture out of my bedroom and spend the days downstairs. At first, I was going up and down the stairs using the "Tony Shuffle", so named because when my youngest child was little and learning to go up and down the stairs he would scoot on his bottom. There is someting quite scary about standing at the top of the stairs with your crutches and hoping and praying that you don't fall, again! They seem so steep and the bottom so far away! Now I am pleased to say that I have graduated from the Tony Shuffle to the more dignified, one step at a time, I can do this with my crutches like a grownup. Granted, there is usually someone a step or two below me to catch me if I should happen to fall.

Today, I received my 5th splint/cast since my initial injury. It felt so good to massage my poor leg, even for a brief moment. The incision is healing, though it is still pretty black and blue, apparently this is due to fracture blisters and will eventually go away. The moment that I can be free of a cast and or splint, I intend on taking a proper shower where there are not any garbage bags or duct tape involved. I also fully intend to stand in the water without turning it off and on (the hand shower is turned off between latherings)and running the hot water out! Children in my household, beware! I foresee cold showers in your future!

Thank you to everyone for your well wishes! Miki, the books you brought over have been a lifesaver! And a special thanks to my hubby and kidlets who have been most supportive, agreeable and cooperative during my recovery. Thank you guys for the hugs and space you have given me, and for making me laugh with your goofyness. And a special thank you to my favorite Golden Retriever, Shorty, who somehow knows how much better I feel when she lays next to me.

More soon~