Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Still Improving...

Improving more every day. My biggest frustration besides the cast it the incision site starting to heal. It will itch, usually at bedtime. The pain is tolerable, now I have to worry about swelling, especially late afternoon. I really hate that my leg is confined in the cast, at night I feel incredibly claustraphobic and just want to rip it off of me! I am also frustrated that I am limited in what I can do, I hate being confined. I just want my life back to normal!

I am also really frustrated because I have not had my camera out. I am still pretty unstable on my crutches so I think it will be a while before I have new pictures to post for you. Be patient, when I am able I will be shooting non stop.

A special congratulations to all of the seniors who graduated this month! Jessie, Ryan and Mason especially. Good luck to you! Follow your dreams!

TJ~ It was really great to see you again. I intend to hold you to our raincheck for a photo shoot. Hopefully we can include Ashley too? I can't believe how grown up you are now. Don't be a stranger!

More soon~
