Monday, July 19, 2010

Checked Out the New Studio

I was up and about last week and had the opportunity to check out the new studio!  I'm sorry but I don't have any pictures just yet.  I seem to have some coordination issues that make it difficult to hobble on crutches and carry my camera.  But I will soon!

The new studio is located at 3426 Kinsrow, Eugene, OR  97401.  We happen to share the space with a hair salon, so if you want to drive by, follow the "salon" signs.  Our space is separate from the salon, with our own entrance so we will want to be respectful of them.  There could be some parking issues, just be sure that you are not parking in the salon spaces or numbered spaces and we'll be ok.  Also, parking on the curb outside is allowed at this time.  I am not shooting yet so I won't be there for "dropping by" to say hello.  I hope to be soon, though!

Today I started back to work (my day job...the one that pays the bills).  I did pretty good.  Because I am not driving yet, I was chauffeured to work.  I could get used to that.  At least I have graduated to the front seat again. 

I'm on my way to a physical therapy appointment, so more later.