Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Oh! The Joy!

Yippee!! My cast has been removed! It has been replaced with an air cast/walking boot, but I can take it off whenever it annoys me. The best part is that I can now sleep in any position that I want to, comfortably without having to make allowances for the cast. My mood has significantly improved.

I am starting physical therapy twice a week. My incision is nearly healed; the fracture blister is improving and will soon be gone. My skin at the surgery site is brand new, soft and tender. The rest of my leg is undergoing massive amounts of moisturizing to battle the incredibly dry scaly skin.

I go back to work on Monday and I am nervous about that. I haven’t thought about work at all during my convalescence and I am not sure that I will remember my passwords or my computer prompts. I am so dreading the number of emails that await me, but I will worry about that next week. Right now I want to focus on getting 100% mobile so I can dust off my camera and start shooting again. I believe that I left off with the letter S….

More later!

~Love Tammie